الاثنين، 23 يوليو 2012

Next iPhone will carry a smaller socket

Reuters said that the next iPhone will carry a socket smaller than its predecessor so as to leave room for the headset.
The current iPhone has a socket component of the 30 Pin and is equal to an area of ​​21 mm at the bottom of the device, will be reduced to only 19 pin.
Although this procedure will give Apple an advantage to exploit the space better, where it will be the transfer of the socket the handset from top to bottom as in the iPod, but it prevents the owners of phones iPhone Current who bought accessories such as audio equipment speakers and charging stations, it will not work with the phone next unless Apple offers a new solution for old users.
And add this information to other almost certain that the device will carry a larger screen to measure 4 inches and would be kind of Retina.

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