الخميس، 26 يوليو 2012

Twitter advertising revenues exceeded revenues from mobile web version

We all remember the first time when Twitter to announce the inclusion of advertisements in a mobile for the site and we did not expect the success of this step, but as the saying goes, as a substitute for the question, according to the newspaper reported Reuters on the words of Chief Executive Officer Dick Costolo revenue exceeded this platform advertising revenue for some days and this web version, if anything it shows how Iqbal users to use network application Twitter from smart phones and tablet devices, this network, which now holds about 140 million users, one million active and -400 daily its note.

Appearance of the first version of the browser chrome supportive of Metro Screen in Windows 8

If you who have downloaded Windows 8 you can now download the browser chrome initial version that supports screen Metro in Windows 8, and provide this version of the browser Some features raw-compatible screen metro such as support for a job charms in Windows 8 and Quick View, and anyone who wants to experience the browser Developers can download a copy available at this Link.  Note that the browser chrome (as well as Firefox) will not be available in the Windows system 8, which operates under the ARM processors because of the decision to make the Microsoft browser Alaxbrur the only browser in this version of the system.

TwitVid site to change his identity and Telly becomes a social site for the video

The site TwitVid of the most famous video sharing sites at Twitter and despite the fame great, but the site's founder (Muhammad Adham) and the team that he made ​​several changes in the location most recently last December, and it seems that these changes did not like no visitors nor the founders of the location where the day Change the nature of the site again and also change the name and identity of the site and who is now called by Telly.  The site is now turned into a site similar to site Pintrest in terms of method and style, but dedicated for video, The user, after the register on the site asking him to follow up the field or the things you care about and then the site on a proposal accounts for the follow-up according to the interests of the user and finally before you start browsing the site provides a Site button share video clips through the addition of being installed on the browser chrome.  After that, users can view all videos by area or interest chosen, as well as watch video clips published by the of the Bmtabathm at the site, the site provides the possibility of developing video clips of certain favorite and a user can publish video clips by placing links from several locations (YouTube and other website) or directly referred to the site.

The launch of version 3.4-platform Aluwrdberas

Announced the owner of the automatic content management platform Aluwrdberas and used in millions of websites, including technical world your site for launching the new version of the platform and numbered to 3.4, the new platform and contains a variety of features including:  Improve the function of the amendment to the theme by adding the site with a lot of options Show changes before applying them on the site  Support included in Aluwrdberas Atawaitat directly, and can be done through copy and paste the link Atawaith in the editor and the entry will appear when you post Atawaith included automatically  Improve the way your pictures display the text where the text has become accepted in writing HTML codes  And many other improvements, and can be updated Aluwrdberas to the new version by going to Control Panel, and then updated automatically.

الأربعاء، 25 يوليو 2012

Zynga Acquires OMGPOP

After rumors emerged yesterday announced Zynga a leading online gaming acquisition of OMGPOP the company behind the game Draw Something which was a lot of admiration and were more games downloaded store Apple in 84 countries, the transaction value of $ 250 million, the game was behind this acquisition, where still attracts a lot of users on the iPhone and the iPad as well as Android, last week the number of Alsmat that have been filed in the game more than a billion paintings, on the first day of the game is drawing the 3 Smat every second, yesterday, the number of Alsmat every second of 3000 paintings, high number the game is still very large numbers check, also included the acquisition of 35 for the game other social OMGPOP has developed.

The number of Windows applications, iPhone up to 70 thousand application

It looks like you will not hesitate anymore to buy a phone Windows von pretext of the lack of existing applications has Microsoft announced the escalation of the number of applications of this system to the limits of 70 thousand application after it was 50 thousand in the month of December last year to achieve this quantum leap paid more perseverance to continue the same way that Ajtazh Android and the Apple store and this is Nmoma great and remarkable success for Microsoft and I think that this success will continue day after day, especially after the great efforts made by Nokia and HTC, which won the admiration of many users.

Google Chrome is ranked first in Asia

Was able to Google Chrome that accounts for much of the browser market in a short time since its inception and continued day after day successes impressive in all parts of the globe, but he was more popular in some parts of the world than others have occupied the browser first place in Asia increased by 36.41% of the market Internet Explorer Mzhzha so as chrome became the most widely used after it was also ranked first in North America in the month of October, but Mozilla Firefox is still in third place with a rate of 23.96% of browser market in Asia.

Flickr was used as a service essential to the Aviary image editing

As of today, will photo sharing site Flickr discharging the service Picnik acquired by Google and that as long as its partnership with the site about 5 years and replace service Aviary rich definition and will bring this change many improvements for users who Ciecmlhm update to a period not exceeding a maximum of the nineteenth of April, the current . characterized by service aviari speed and simplicity, especially for new users where they can use filters and labels in a very beautiful and simple and do not forget that it relies primarily on technology HTML5.

New update for the application of instagram on Android devices

Instagram program graphic distinctive and which has recently launched its own version platform Android seems that 2,000 registration process per minute were not enough to convince him, but he wanted more and that the developers recently updated the application to include even Tablet and carries this update number 1.0.3 will also support this new version devices works with wireless connectivity Wi-Fi in addition to the possibility of the application is installed on the external memory card SD. all you have to do is go to Google's PlayStation store update or automatically.

A decline in sales growth in the iPhone and iPad

Results were the work of Apple for the third quarter of this fiscal year indicating growth in sales of iPad in exchange for a decrease in sales of iPhone.  And the beginning of the iPhone as the phone company sold 26 million new device in the period between April and June this year, which is less than expectations for a to 29 million units.  And attributed the cause of slow sales of the iPhone phone that the majority of users are waiting for the arrival of the new version iPhone 5 next fall. It is noteworthy that a few days ago Apple released a new commercial for your iPhone 4 S focusing on Siri and voice aid compatible with the maps.  As for the iPad Tablet PC sales reached the end of June a 17 million in this quarter of the year. Which is much higher than the figure achieved for the same quarter of last year, which reached 9.25 million sets, and the sales for the quarter exceeded analysts' expectations iPad Million device where the expectations at 16 million units.  This is the first quarter, which Apple sells the new version of the iPad.  Apple also cut the cost of your iPad 2 by $ 100 to $ 399 total.  IPad sales grew by 183% in the period between the third quarter of 2010 and in 2011

الثلاثاء، 24 يوليو 2012

Amazon S3 service exceed the threshold of one trillion

Announced Amazon today that the storage service cloud S3 affiliates exceeded the barrier trillion (ppt) file, yet this number was 905 billion from almost two months, which indicates that there are about 40 thousand a file with per second and 3.5 billion a day, and continued success and growth of this service which are used by many developers and engineers

It is time to time surprised Amazon statistics to make sure they are new people to enter into this area, are you dear reader users of S3

According to common, which was launched from the site of a Finnish company that intends to Samsung Electronics Industry acquisition of rival Nokia rich from the definition, the same rumors that appeared last year, but this time says Finnish media that the news almost certainly based on the word of reliable sources.  No one can now say for sure why the real, which makes a company like Samsung is seeking to buy the Nokia especially the latter facing major problems in the recent period and that the Samsung has a great force in the market it does not need to Nokia, but may have little benefit in terms of the defense of their cases against Apple by virtue of the Nokia has several patents, and that helped to overcome the Apple filed in one of the judges themselves.  It should be noted that Samsung one of the largest companies use the system to Android while Nokia is now headed for the Windows system strongly iPhone

Sales Algelxa S wealthy than 10 million units in less than two months

Announced that South Korea's Samsung on the arrival of sales of her new Galaxy S wealthy barrier - 10 million units in less than two months, which means that there are 190 thousand device is sold on a daily basis, and I need your Galaxy S 2 to seven months to achieve this figure.
It is expected President Shin Jong-kyun that this number will increase significantly the coming months, especially with the presence of about 296 points of sale in 145 countries around the world.
It should be noted that the company announced that it has sold 50 million Galaxy AS from the time of the launch device for the first time it is known that Samsung one of the biggest competitors to Apple in terms of sales and demand for devices that engaged in these two companies struggle lasting about patents from time to time.

Samsung refuses to evaluate Apple Patents

Differed CEO Tim Cook, Apple and senior executives of Samsung Electronic Co., Ltd. last week on the value of patents between each other in the settlement conference, according to a source familiar with the case.
Is scheduled to begin trial on July 30 in San Jose, California in the Federal Court. And independent sources said that Cook participated in mediation with the Vice President of Samsung and Choi Ji-sung, head of Mobile Jong Keun Shin on Monday in San Francisco to see if the two sides can resolve the dispute.
Sources can not be named, that the executives of Apple and Samsung are involved as part of the process of mediation court directive, sources said that while a settlement is always possible, it is unlikely to take place before the trial in California.
Declined to name the speakers of both companies declined to comment Mattabrene ongoing legal matter.
Among the key issues in the dispute between Apple and Samsung is how to assess the so-called patent the basic standard. These are the patents that have agreed to license to competitors Samsung under fair and reasonable, as opposed to the presence of technology adoption as a standard of industry.
One source said that Apple believes it should be appreciated that the value of patents less. The source addition, Samsung believes that it has a stronger portfolio of patents from Apple when it comes to next-generation technology such as 4G.
While both companies are considered one of the strongest competitors in the market for smart phones and tablet, the issue becomes more complicated when you know that Apple is one of the largest customers Samsung.
The trial would be to patents related to how to use the hardware and design. The patent covers the use of which belong to Apple touch-screen devices how to distinguish between one finger on the screen or more, and respond accordingly. And related patents that belong to the Apple design those relating to the front surface of the black phone.

الاثنين، 23 يوليو 2012

iPhone 5 is coming this fall

Said Code Macotakara Japanese technology that the new generation of phone iPhone is coming this fall.
This was the Code had been predicted by subtracting Phone iPhone 4S last year, and had been put forward in October, precisely and accurately in the middle of the month, but prospects for the new iPad did not work as it is put forward in March 2012 despite speculation throw last October.
According to sources from China, the potential change that occurs on a device.
The site Taobao e-commerce since China now receives applications prior to those who would like to buy iPhone 5 at up to $ 1100 U.S.

Wikimedia plans to enter the field of travel

Wikimedia Board of Trustees voted to approve the creation of a guide to travel free of ads in a move that could compete with both TripAdvisor and Lonely Planet.
The directory will be created in collaboration with wiki and other travel, pledging to all managers of Wikitravel and Wikivoyage working with Wikimedia to create the directory.
He did not specify the new name of the directory yet, where it will begin serious work next September, will be writing articles directory by users and will be reviewed by managers and Wikitravel Wikivoyage can import some of the articles and the content of these sites as well.

Newspaper Allowal Street: the next iPhone will be lighter and thinner thanks to the in-cell technology in the screen

Published Allowal Street, which is always Ahaatha valid for the company Apple and the latest of these rumors is that Apple will use the technology in-cell screens in iPhone next and this technique will allow Apple to make your iPhone lighter and thinner than the iPhone 4 S and will also enable Apple to make the performance battery is better than its past, and will, LG and Sharp Corporation and also Japan Display (a consortium between Sony, Toshiba and Hitachi) to produce this type of screens for Apple.
And is expected to put your Apple iPhone or the new iPhone as it is called 5 in the autumn

Skype update issued to bridge forward messages to random people

Skype recently discovered a loophole in the application of its own talks, but they spread was very limited and the gap function to send messages and talks to people the error in the list of contacts.
Skype said that the gap occurs when a breakdown occurs in the program and then re-register the user access.
She added that the initial warnings about the gap on both iOS and Android was wrong and that some versions of its program on Windows did not include the gap.
And specifically said that version 5.9 of the application on Windows and 2.8 to 4.0 on Android and iOS Baltgrh not hit.
And has issued updates to its program to those who work on the 5.10 version on Windows and 5.8 and 4.0 on the Mac on Linux and 1.2 for Windows iPhone. And will be available on the download page on the company website.
The update also fit the conservation status of files sent from your loan into a running FAT 32.

26 of October is the launch date of Windows 8

Microsoft announced at the conference of the annual sales for the launch system, Windows 8 is expected on the market in 26 of the month of October this year around the world, and is a Windows system 8 of the most important operating systems Microsoft and the reason for the presence of a new interface is dedicated to hardware tablet, and will be available the system in four versions, the regular version and the version of the professional and a copy of companies and customized version of the processors ARM.

Gmail now available on the regular phones and the Internet without

Become from now on can use the mail Gmail to send and receive e-mails are like sending text messages and sms that devices that do not support Internet access.
The service is only available for three African countries are Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, where it can be via Gmail SMS Send and receive e-mail by phone does not support a normal Internet connection either through Wi-Fi or G rich. The service works on any mobile phone that supports normal as long as SMS sms.
The service forwards the e-mails as messages to the user a short reach of the mobile phone and can respond to and read and reply directly via SMS.
Control messages can be received through commands such as more, off, follow-up. In addition to creating new electronic message as a message and send a short e-mail address for any other.
The service can register via the following simple steps:
1 - go to your account to Gmail and click on Account
2 - Click to Open SMS settings in the Department of Phone and SMS
3 - Add your phone number to which it will receive mailings
4 - Confirm your number by entering the activation code which you will receive on the phone
5 - Place the sign of the option Forward my incoming email message
Finally, remember that receiving messages is free, and prompts the user when sending messages just as if it sends the SMS.

Number of visitors to Google Plus in the United States jumped by 43%

As is known, Google sits on the throne of search sites on the Internet but they tried to enter the field of social networking with the launch of its Google Plus late last year and failed to achieve the desired result because the number of visitors to the site was very small but not exceeding the rate per visit 3 minutes, but on what apparently, this perception in a way to change it according to the latest statistics carried out by a specialized company, saw this new network a quantum leap by 43% in terms of number of visitors in the United States, with June, the highest growth rate since September of 2011, bringing the number to the limits of 31.9 million visitors to the region this study did not include mobile phones and desktop computers but only although this percentage is very low comparing the social giant Facebook, it is the fastest growing network and access to new users compared to the same period since the launch of Facebook.

YouTube presents awards for the major channels

After YouTube allowed the opportunity for content creators to profit from video clips raising them on the site, as well as accession is to program partners, bringing the number of subscribers to one million channel. Decided to give some partners who have achieved high results Awards Honor them.
And among these came from a long list of names of the winners of partners from the Middle East and North Africa, including the MBC and the program and kasthaleeb and Tamer Hosny and Melody TV set and EyshElly and Sahi and channel on the fly and a program that does a lot and nails and AlJazeera English.
Has exceeded the number of channels involved in the award-winning partners YouTube 500 million subscribers and 251 billion times to watch.
Each channel and you'll get more than one million subscribers on the following prizes:
* Play button to start the gold-plated, yes, just as I read and got by 80 channel. In addition to the gift card branded YouTube. You can use to purchase equipment related to the video camera bag with limited edition
* Gift card worth $ 500 and a camera bag for each channel the number of participants with 100 thousand subscribers in order to enable these channels to reach one million subscribers. And this card will get more than 1400 channel.
It should be noted that this is the first time that the distribution of awards within the YouTube Partner Program, and was previously distributed the prizes to some of the distinctive and clips on a voluntary basis without obligation.

Bitdefender remove an application from a store app store

Bitdefender application has been removed from App Store applications after two months of the approval to include it in the store.
In a statement said Bitdefender warned that Apple removed the application and, after initial approval of the offering and sale.
The application uses a database to tell the user whether the other applications on devices loaded with statistics gathering or trying to access special websites such as identification numbers and personal information. If not, the loader application is listed in the database, it can be for users to ask the company for the analysis of this application.
Apple declined to comment on the removal request, but the odds suggest that the application violates a section of the review of applications and instructions related to "the diagnosis is correct, or other data are not accurate for the device."
Prior to actually remove the application, Bitdefender said they analyzed more than 65 thousand application known iOS operating system as part of its database, and during that period, the company said it found a number of behaviors relating to privacy that should be observed.

Ads on iOS more profitable for companies

According to a report prepared by the Opera Company Her famous web browser that bears its name that the devices running on the system iOS more profitable for advertisers.
This means that whenever the device's screen, which means more ads more realistic and clearer and thus more interaction with them and increase the rate of clicks.
And notice system iOS advertisers rate their visits to the largest and a higher proportion of revenue, where the rate of visits was 46.5% and 61.4% to increase returns.
And more detail was the share of phone iPhone almost 30% of visits resulting from advertisements and more than 43% of the returns on those ads, while the share of iPad about 30% of visits as well, but its share of the returns have been low to the limits of 14.2%.
The report also pointed out that the iOS device users spend more time interacting with the ads, since 66% of the users when they click on a video clip they watch it until the end, and that the average time watch the video is 52 seconds.
The report pointed out that he must be on the operating system that allows certain characteristics of the encourages interaction between the user and advertising such as the ability to make a connection by clicking on advertising and expanding ads and advantages of this video and Maigdmh both systems iOS and Android

Google Acquires application Sparrow

Announced the development team e-mail application Sparrow for that Google acquired the company and team work Sndm to team work Aljimil at Google, said in a declaration that the application will not be removed and can be downloaded and used on the iPhone and the iPad and Macs, but will not issue any update for this application because of the busy team working a new project in Google, and Google has an application for the devices Aljimil ios and Alandroed but this application has seen strong competition from the application of the Sparrow and the star rose quickly in recent months.

Next iPhone will carry a smaller socket

Reuters said that the next iPhone will carry a socket smaller than its predecessor so as to leave room for the headset.
The current iPhone has a socket component of the 30 Pin and is equal to an area of ​​21 mm at the bottom of the device, will be reduced to only 19 pin.
Although this procedure will give Apple an advantage to exploit the space better, where it will be the transfer of the socket the handset from top to bottom as in the iPod, but it prevents the owners of phones iPhone Current who bought accessories such as audio equipment speakers and charging stations, it will not work with the phone next unless Apple offers a new solution for old users.
And add this information to other almost certain that the device will carry a larger screen to measure 4 inches and would be kind of Retina.

Launch of the first announcement of the Nexus 7

Launched Google announced the first commercial computer's Tablet new Nexus 7 on YouTube.
It appears in the ad a father and son went on a trip, camping out, accompanied by a Nexus 7, which helps well over the number of applications and the signal strength of Wi-Fi that makes the trip enjoyable despite the rain!.
As the boy watched while researching dinosaur alive in the woods only to discover later as an image snapshot of the screen tablet that gives suggestion natural colors accurately.
Be a surprise in the end that the flight was in the garden of the home front and if you feel yourself in the Amazon

Twitter depends on the Olympic Games to strengthen its position and profits

Twitter Olympics hub would be part of the partnership agreement between the company Twitter, Comcast Corporation and NBCUniversal where you will serve the social network of the Olympics and broadcast live around the world through coverage across Alngredat.
The NBC network will promote the site on the air with links to interviews with athletes, and videos of their own.
Twitter hopes to benefit from this partnership agreement and the use of the Olympic Games as a starting point in its ongoing business, and increase the base of users who exceed 140 million active users per month.
The research firm eMarketer estimated that Twitter will make 259.9 million worth of ads this year, less than the $ 3.15 billion achieved last year Facebook.
It will help expand the scope of work on the mini-social network that grows to assess the activity of more than $ 8.4 billion at the end of the day, which enables it to put up for public subscription.
Said Chloe Sladden company's vice president for public information that Twitter is betting heavily on the Olympic Games as a new way for users to experience Twitter.
Twitter and Thoudrt well for the occasion, several months ago, dozens of discussions with the hosting of sports federations and international games to push them to use the network. Twitter and the closer of the companies also buy ads on Alngredat to spread marketing messages during the Olympic Games. According to the International Olympic Committee, there is more than a thousand current or former athlete is using Twitter and Facebook games.